Saturday, 20 September 2008


Holland is flat and great for cycling. True, but its also unmercifally windy at times. Cycling into a gale force headwind totally exhausted my legs and somewhat soured my memories of eastern Holland (Hundreds of windmills, huge fields, canals etc).
The Dutch are a great bunch. I thought the Germans were cool but Dutch is where its at. They sound like a cross between Sean Connery and Alan Hansen. I was watching this Comedian on Dutch TV and I could hear thick Scouse and Geordie aswell. I chanced upon a private Sculpture park just outside Zwolle ( which, despite the fact it was closed, I recieved a tour of from the owner Hib. Hib a former investment banker had jacked in his career to make a business out of dealing in Dutch contemporary sculpture. The park was huge and beautifully landscaped. A hidden gem. In Zwolle I tried Dutch East Indian food. Holland used to have colonies in Indonesia and the cruisine from this region had made its way back to Holland. Pork satayed in a peanut source with Fries and mayonnaise, which the dutch have with everything, delicious!
Here are some pics form Zwolle cathedral aswell.

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